Logo Design D.S.J.V. Groover

  • Client: D.S.J.V. Groover
  • Period: May 2018 - January 2019
  • Project category: Graphic Design

The Delft Student Jazz Association (D.S.J.V.) Groover was looking for a replacement of their logo, to prevent a copyright claim of a large American media company for using the likeness of one of their characters. Since members were quite attached to the old logo, it was challenging to come up with a design that would satisfy all, or at least most, members. 

Prior to my involvement, this project already had been going on for four years, all resulting in rejected proposals. My job was to reiterate the final two designs to make them work as a logo that represents the association, rather than just a graphic design of a musical instrument. In addition, I was to make sure that our new logo couldn't create problems similar to the one that led us to changing the logo in the first place.