Dyson Air Curtain

Dyson wants to extend their products and services to appeal to the East Asian market in 2025 (ten years after starting this project). Our team at TU Delft was tasked with finding a product that would fulfill the needs of the East Asian consumer in 2025, as well as matching Dyson's brand and catalogue. 

By extensive research we concluded that air pollution was about to be a great problem when living in East Asian cities. Filtering and purifying the air inside your home would fit greatly in Dyson's portfolio, thus we elaborated on this subject. The final product was the Air Curtain you see in the poster and the video on this page. This cylindrical device will be installed above your front door. Thanks to Dyson's superior filtration system, the air inside your home will be constantly purified. And the air curtain that activates when you open the front door will help keeping the pollution outside, while giving the user a fresh breeze to comfort them.